The Annotated Powers of Attorney for Property and for Personal Care 2025
Thursday, January 23, 2025 (1:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m.)
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Alternate date: Wednesday, May 21, 2025 [click to view options]
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Page Count: 165
* Remember: You must attend CPD programs (in-person, live webcast, or live webcast replay) or view them on-demand to claim CPD Hours. Reading CPD materials alone does not qualify.
Alexandra ManthorpeCunningham, Swan, Carty, Little & Bonham LLP
Alexander ProcopePBP Lawyers
Following the Annotated Will program, seize the opportunity to dive into the key considerations for drafting Powers of Attorney for your clients. Registrants walk away with valuable precedents for both Power of Attorney for Property and Personal Care, equipping you with practical tools for your practice.
- Acquire tips on how to deal with financial institutions with POAs for Property
- Consider pros and cons of AI and other technological aids for drafting
- What are some of the broader issues often overlooked in planning POA for Care?
- How can you mitigate challenges in your planning file before and after it is closed?
- Alexandra Manthorpe, Cunningham, Swan, Carty, Little & Bonham LLP
- Alexander Procope, PBP Lawyers
- Jordan Atin, C.S., TEP, Hull & Hull LLP
- Safiyya Vankalwala, Lawyers' Professional Indemnity Company (LAWPRO)
- Kristine Anderson, Fern Law
- Jennifer Corak, TEP, WeirFoulds LLP
- Jane Meadus, Advocacy Centre for the Elderly
- A. Shawn Richard, TEP, A. Shawn Richard Family and Estate Law
- Robin Spurr, Senior Counsel, CIBC
- Anya-Deane Best, O'Flynn Weese LLP
- Pia Hundal, Bales Beall LLP