Thursday, June 5, 2025 (1:15 p.m.–1:45 p.m.)
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Marlee Boyle, BSc, RRT, CCSHSleep Works Consulting
Leah Corkum, LPNSleep Works Consulting
There are vital connections between nutrition, exercise and sleep and their impact on overall health. Our speakers examine how sleep influences metabolism and affects food choices and cravings, as well as the importance of meal timing for optimal energy levels. They then delve into the relationship between sleep and exercise, discussing how adequate rest supports better body composition, enhances energy expenditure, and promotes recovery. By understanding these interactions, you can make informed choices that support your physical and mental well-being, leading to a healthier and more balanced lifestyle.
Sleep Well Series: Register for individual sessions, or sign up for all four presentations and get access to the Q&A for free!