
Introduction to Statutory Accident Benefits for Paralegals


Thursday, September 14, 2023 (1:00 p.m.–3:30 p.m.)

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CPD Hour(s)
2 h Substantive
30 m Professionalism

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  • Phyllis Bergmans, FCIPParalegal/Accident Benefits Consultant
    Kompass Claims Management Group Inc.

If you'd like to know about additional legal services you can offer as a paralegal, we've got you covered. Why not consider Statutory Accident Benefits? SABs is a challenging but rewarding field, with interesting work on offer for a legal practitioner. Our presenters give you more information about the law of Statutory Accident Benefits and a clear introduction to their practice experiences. If you're starting out, or curious about how to broaden your expertise into new areas as a paralegal, make sure to check out this program.

  • Learn how to develop a successful practice in Statutory Accident Benefits Law
  • Hear about available resources and supports to help you start your practice 
  • Understand what to expect when appearing before the License Appeal Tribunal 

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