
Bridge to Practice for Paralegals

Image of suspension bridge over a river with the numbers one to six arranged sequentially along the bridge, with each number linking to a category of CPD programs/resources.

1. Welcome & Getting Started

Welcome to Bridge to Practice for Paralegals (“B2P for Paralegals”)!

Here you will find a curated selection of the Law Society of Ontario’s (“the LSO”) Continuing Professional Development (“CPD”) programs, videos, materials, and other resources to help you during your first few years of your professional life as a legal services provider.

All CPD programs on this website are free for paralegals who have been licensed for fewer than three years. Please go to the registration page and follow the instructions to access all current B2P for Paralegals content.

Get started in B2P for Paralegals by watching video welcome messages from the former LSO Treasurer and from paralegal bencher Michelle Lomazzo. Join the Bridge to Practice for Paralegals LinkedIn Page to connect and interact with your peers. Remember to check back to LinkedIn periodically to see what's new on B2P for Paralegals.

While some of the programming on B2P for Paralegals was originally broadcasted to an audience of lawyers, this content has been selected for B2P for Paralegals because it is also relevant for a paralegal audience.

Please note all programs and materials on B2P for Paralegals come from the LSO's archive of CPD programs. When viewing programs and materials on this website, remember to check the currency date of the program/materials. Use your own skill and judgment as a legal professional to assess whether there have been developments since the currency date of the program that you need to look into/be aware of, and adjust your approach accordingly.

We wish you all the best in your career as a paralegal!

Have you been using B2P for Paralegals? Please take a moment to fill out a survey about your experience here.

6. Substantive Skills and Knowledge

Provincial Offences

Small Claims Court

Landlord Tenant Board

Human Rights Tribunal

Statutory Accident Benefits and the License Appeal Tribunal

Workplace Safety & Insurance Board/Workplace Safety & Insurance Appeals Tribunal

Property Tax Assessment

Other tribunals (e.g. Social Security Tribunal, Social Benefits Tribunal, Professional Regulation Tribunals, etc.)

CPD Disclaimer & Copyright

All content on the Bridge to Practice for Paralegals website is part of the Law Society of Ontario’s initiatives in Continuing Professional Development. Content linked to or on Bridge to Practice for Paralegals, including information and opinions, provided by the presenters, is that of the authors and presenters of the source content. The content does not represent or embody any official position of, or statement by, the Law Society of Ontario, except where specifically indicated, nor should any content be understood as providing definitive practice standards, legal advice, or any other professional advice. The Law Society of Ontario does not warrant the current or future accuracy of the content and expressly disclaims responsibility for any errors and omissions in the content, including inaccuracies that may result due to developments in law or in any other area of professional practice and standards. Copyright in all content, webcasts, and materials on the Bridge to Practice for Paralegals website is owned by the Law Society of Ontario. All content on Bridge to Practice for Paralegals, including any graphic images, is protected by copyright both as individual works and as a compilation. No user of Bridge to Practice for Paralegals may sell, republish, copy, reproduce, modify, or distribute the webcast or any portion thereof without the prior written permission of the Law Society of Ontario and other applicable copyright holder(s).

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