
ADR for Paralegals 2024


Wednesday, June 19, 2024 (1:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m.)

Add this event to your calendar (Downloads an .ICS file)

Alternate date: Tuesday, August 20, 2024 [click to view options]

CPD Hour(s)
2 h 35 m Substantive
25 m Professionalism

View this webcast-only program from your home or office computer

Additional Information

Page Count: 44

* Remember: You must attend CPD programs (in-person, live webcast, or live webcast replay) or view them on-demand to claim CPD Hours. Reading CPD materials alone does not qualify.

  • John (Jack) Sullens
    Sullens Dispute Resolution & Workplace Investigations
  • Rameen SabetProfessor, Longo Faculty of Business
    Humber College

Did you know that Alternative Dispute Resolution processes are available to paralegals? This program educates you on how to implement alternative dispute resolution skills into your practice and become a better advocate for your client. Our presenters provide valuable information to teach you how to assist your clients in a prompt and cost-effective manner. Join us for a strong and practical foundation in conflict resolution models and skills.

  • Learn the art of conflict prevention and resolution 
  • Understand how to prepare effectively for all types of negotiations 
  • Gain experience from professional ADR practitioners


  • John (Jack) SullensSullens Dispute Resolution & Workplace Investigations
  • Rameen SabetProfessor, Longo Faculty of BusinessHumber College

Registration Options

Registration Mode *
Learning format *

Only PDF materials will be provided. CPD is now fully paperless.

To access your electronic purchase: click "My Account" and sign in. Click "Purchased Programs" and look for the program name. Click the "Details" link on the right. Click the "Click here to access the on-demand webcast" link to load the webcast.

Individual registrations may use this printable order form

Group registrations, please see our FAQs for group rate information. If you are registering a group of 2 or more, please send an email to including the full name, email address, and licensee number (if applicable) of each registrant along with a reference to the order number.

If you place an order via email, please do not provide your credit card information (number and security code) in the message. A member of the CPD Registration team will contact you to obtain the payment information.

All prices are subject to applicable taxes.