Wednesday, January 15, 2025 (1:15 p.m.–1:45 p.m.)
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Alternate date: Tuesday, June 17, 2025 [click to view options]
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Page Count: 37
* Remember: You must attend CPD programs (in-person, live webcast, or live webcast replay) or view them on-demand to claim CPD Hours. Reading CPD materials alone does not qualify.
Marlee Boyle, BSc, RRT, CCSHSleep Works Consulting
Leah Corkum, LPNSleep Works Consulting
In this session, we explore the intricate relationship between sleep and ADHD, focusing on how these two areas intertwine and affect each other. Do not miss this opportunity to explore the shared symptoms of ADHD and sleep disorders that can affect your daily routine and receive actionable advice to help you handle these sleep issues.
- Discover effective sleep solutions tailored for night owls with ADHD
- Equip yourself with actionable strategies to overcome sleep difficulties
- Learn how to assist your colleagues and staff who face sleep-related challenges
- Marlee Boyle, BSc, RRT, CCSH, Sleep Works Consulting
- Leah Corkum, LPN, Sleep Works Consulting
- Dr. Gurdeep Parhar, Adult ADHD Centre