
19th Solo and Small Firm Conference: The How-To Toolkit


Thursday, June 19, 2025 (9:00 a.m.–4:30 p.m.)

Add this event to your calendar (Downloads an .ICS file)


Join us for an engaging and dynamic conference with topics specifically designed for solo and small firm lawyers and paralegals. We examine the practical aspects of running a business and offer guidance on innovative solutions to streamline your practice operations and enhance client outcomes. Our experienced presenters address the unique opportunities (and challenges) of a legal landscape that is always changing. Explore the latest tools, software, and services from a variety of exhibitors that will enhance your conference experience. Plus, our InfoXchange professionals provide answers to your questions and valuable insights into the resources available through the LSO and others. Don’t miss the opportunity to network with fellow licensees, share experiences, and strengthen your professional community.

Registration Options

Registration Mode *
Learning format *

A light lunch will be provided for in-person registrants.

Only PDF materials will be provided. CPD is now fully paperless.

To view your program: click "My Account" and sign in. Click "Purchased Programs" and look for the program name. Click the "Details" link on the right. Click the "Click here to access the webcast" link to load the webcast.

For In-person, register before June 16, 2025 11:59 p.m.

For Live Webcast, register before June 19, 2025 10:00 a.m.

Individual registrations may use this printable order form

Group registrations, please see our FAQs for group rate information. If you are registering a group of 2 or more, please send an email to including the full name, email address, and licensee number (if applicable) of each registrant along with a reference to the order number.

If you place an order via email, please do not provide your credit card information (number and security code) in the message. A member of the CPD Registration team will contact you to obtain the payment information.

All prices are subject to applicable taxes.