The Six-Minute Municipal Lawyer 2021
Monday, May 10, 2021 (9:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.)
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Page Count: 261
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Kate LyonsGoodmans LLP
Jason ParkDevine Park LLP, Planning and Development Lawyers
Concise. Insightful. Comprehensive. In short, this Six-Minute program is the fast track to all the recent developments in municipal law. We capture a variety of perspectives by drawing from a large pool of presenters. As the pandemic and its effects continue, municipal lawyers from the private bar and staff lawyers from the municipalities address the new community benefits charge regime, pros and cons of video hearings for LPAT appeals, the impact of Bill 197 on development charges, and much more.
- Hear about the new community benefits charge regime and how it compares to the current Section 37 approach
- Get insight into video hearings
- Understand the impact of Bill 197 on development charges
- Learn about the new Ontario Land Tribunal
- Kate Lyons, Goodmans LLP
- Jason Park, Devine Park LLP, Planning and Development Lawyers
- Sharyn Vincent, Associate Chair, Local Planning Appeal Tribunal
- Ira Kagan, Kagan Shastri LLP
- Sahil Shoor, Gowling WLG (Canada) LLP
- Stephen Longo, Walker Longo & Associates LLP
- Michael Foderick, McCarthy Tétrault LLP
- Lindsay Dale-Harris, Partner, Bousfields Inc.
- Richard Butler, WIllms & Shier Environmental Lawyers LLP
- Chris Barnett, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP
- Denise Baker, WeirFoulds LLP
- Katarzyna Sliwa, Dentons Canada LLP
- Matthew Lakatos-Hayward, Goodmans LLP
- Jonathan Cheng, Stikeman Elliott LLP
- John Mascarin, C.S., Aird & Berlis LLP
- Francesco Santaguida, Assistant City Solicitor, Legal Services Department, City of Markham
- Sarah Jacobs, Vice-Chair, Local Planning Appeal Tribunal
- Adrian Frank, Devine Park LLP, Planning and Development Lawyers
- David Bronskill, Goodmans LLP
- Stan Floras, Acting Legal Manager and Tribunal Counsel, Ontario Land Tribunals
- Ajay Gajaria, Aird & Berlis LLP