The Six-Minute Family Law Lawyer 2021
Wednesday, December 1, 2021 (9:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m.)
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Fareen JamalJamal Family Law Professional Corporation
Michael KleinmanKleinman Family Law
Concise. Insightful. Comprehensive. In short, a Six-Minute program is the fast track to all the recent developments in your area of law. We capture a variety of perspectives by drawing from a pool of presenters, and each one covers the salient points within minutes. You always receive materials that explore the topics in greater detail and take away practical tips and advice you might not get elsewhere. The half-day programs of our Six-Minute series make sure you're up to the challenges of a busy legal practice.
- Hear more on how to determine the valuation date
- Get an update on costs
- Be aware of the latest case law on retroactive support