
Sleep and Your Mental Health: Tools for a Healthy Life


Thursday, March 7, 2024 (11:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m.)

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Alternate date: Friday, October 18, 2024 [click to view options]

CPD Hour(s)
0 Substantive
1 h 30 m Professionalism

View this webcast-only program from your home or office computer

Additional Information

Page Count: 38

* Remember: You must attend CPD programs (in-person, live webcast, or live webcast replay) or view them on-demand to claim CPD Hours. Reading CPD materials alone does not qualify.

  • Marlee Boyle, BSc, RRT, CCSH
    Sleep Works Consulting
  • Leah Corkum, LPN
    Sleep Works Consulting

Your favourite sleep professionals are back! This year, join us as we explore the intersection between sleep and mental health/addictions. Our speakers equip you with more tips and tools to improve the quality of your sleep and, in turn, your mental health and well-being. Use this as your starting point to foster the resilience, focus, and psychological well-being you need to provide legal services effectively and live a more centred professional life.

  • Explore the reciprocal relationship between sleep and mental health
  • Learn about alternatives to habit-forming substances that are commonly used for sleep
  • Transform your relationship with sleep to understand it as a productive activity
Please note: The on-demand webcast will only be available until end of day September 7, 2025.


  • Marlee Boyle, BSc, RRT, CCSHSleep Works Consulting
  • Leah Corkum, LPNSleep Works Consulting

Registration Options

Learning format *

Only PDF materials will be provided. CPD is now fully paperless.

To access your electronic purchase: click "My Account" and sign in. Click "Purchased Programs" and look for the program name. Click the "Details" link on the right. Click the "Click here to access the on-demand webcast" link to load the webcast.

Individual registrations may use this printable order form. Group registrations are not available for this program.

If you place an order via email, please do not provide your credit card information (number and security code) in the message. A member of the CPD Registration team will contact you to obtain the payment information.

Discounts are not applicable to programs priced less than $150. All prices are subject to applicable taxes.