
Animals and the Law 2024 (REPLAY)


Wednesday, July 3, 2024 (9:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.)

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Alternate date: Thursday, May 9, 2024 [click to view options]

CPD Hour(s)
2 h 30 m Substantive
30 m Professionalism

View this webcast-only program from your home or office computer


Animal Law is now recognized as an important and evolving area of practice as companion animals become subject to custody disputes, and service providers - including animal welfare and entertainment venues - face litigation challenges or legislative changes to their activities. While many North American law schools begin to carve out academic and research space for this developing area, our half-day program helps you to get a handle on the key issues involved. Join us to learn more.

  • Learn about the intersection of animal law with other areas of legal practice
  • Evaluate the distinctions between sentient beings vs. other inanimate forms of property
  • Find out about recent case law in respect to this emerging area of law


This live webcast replay contains an online chat feature that allows you to view the previously broadcast program and interact, share ideas, and exchange comments with fellow registrants online.

Remember: Your CPD hours must be entered into the LSO Portal. Register for an account and log your CPD hours at

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