
Bridge to Practice for Paralegals: A Guide to Enhancing Your Research Skills for Paralegals

CPD Hour(s)
2 h 30 m Substantive
30 m Professionalism

Original air date: April 11, 2022

Research is a critical pillar of success towards supporting your clients’ goals. To listen, advise, act, pursue or defend, you need to understand the law in your area and how to search for answers to the questions you have. Are you confident in your research skills or could you stand a refresh? Our presenters help you refine your ability to source the legal information you need and track down helpful resources (people and documents) when you need them.

  • Hear how you can create an effective (and efficient) research strategy
  • Learn about the available online tools and people resources that can assist you in your searches
  • Understand the need to refine and redirect your queries as you work through a file